What is HS Top

and why it's worth advertising on it

Channel Statistics

65 284 525


+2 000 000


423 827


+10 000





At the moment we only offer one deal

Integration up to 30-60 seconds in length
plus the link in the video description and pinned comment

Why HS Top is such a great choice
for your project?

Our audience is very mature for a gaming channel.
People are used to see quality content here.

High retention ratio.
People watch our videos from start to end!

No clickbaits.
No fake videos, designed to deceive the viewer.

No spam or scammers in the comments under your video.
We watch for them and ban them regularly.

We have returning clients,
which means they are happy with the result!

Modesty aside, HS Top is the best YouTube-channel about CS:GO and Left 4 Dead 2. :)